Top 10 Photography Websites for Inspiration and Learning

by admin

Photography is an art form that has gained immense popularity over the years. With the advent of digital technology, anyone with a camera can become a photographer. However, with so many resources available online, it can be challenging to find the best websites for inspiration and education. In this blog post, we have compiled a list of the top 10 photography websites that every photographer should know about.

National Geographic Photography

National Geographic is a world-renowned source of stunning imagery and educational content. Their photography website is an excellent resource for nature, wildlife, and landscape photography.


500px is a photography community that allows photographers to showcase their work and connect with other like-minded individuals. The website features a wide range of genres, including landscape, portrait, and street photography.

The Phoblographer

The Phoblographer is a photography blog that offers tips, reviews, and interviews with industry professionals. The website covers a wide range of genres, including street, landscape, and portrait photography.

Digital Photography Review

Digital Photography Review is a website that provides in-depth reviews of cameras, lenses, and other photography gear. The website also features news and educational content related to the photography industry.


PetaPixel is a popular photography blog that features news, tutorials, and interviews with photographers. The website covers a wide range of topics, including gear reviews, post-processing techniques, and industry news.


LensCulture is a website that features the work of photographers from around the world. The website also hosts photography contests and offers educational resources for photographers.

Photography Life

Photography Life is a website that offers tutorials, gear reviews, and educational content for photographers. The website covers a wide range of topics, including landscape, wildlife, and portrait photography.


Strobist is a website that focuses on off-camera lighting techniques. The website offers tutorials and educational resources for photographers interested in learning about lighting. is a website that features a photography forum where photographers can connect and share their work. The website also offers educational resources, including tutorials and articles on photography.

DIY Photography

DIY Photography is a website that offers tips and tutorials for photographers interested in creating their own gear. The website features tutorials on everything from building your own camera to creating your own lighting setups.

To Sum Up

In conclusion, these top 10 photography websites offer a wealth of resources for photographers of all skill levels. From educational content to inspiration and community, these websites are essential resources for anyone interested in photography. Whether you are a hobbyist or a professional, be sure to check out these websites for the latest news, tips, and inspiration.

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